There is Always a First ( Time ) Wine

We must put straight an important issue about wine.

We are convinced about the importance of education (our articles are written in this spirit ) though we have to make clear a fundamental thing: you don’t need to know everything about wine to like and enjoy it.

You don’t have to be an expert to appreciate all the beauty a glass of fine wine can offer.

If a painting only gave pleasure to people who can draw a circle freehand or if only people who know all the chords went to rock concerts museums and stadiums would be virtually deserted.  

The job of a good wine is to enhance the quality of life adding value to our day-to-day existence. A wine which can do this justifies its price.

Even the average – thus not consciously trained – consumer would know exactly what gives him or her pleasure irrespective of knowing the precise attributes of a specific product or its making.

It is our own experience acquired over decades of organizing wine tastings in the visitor centre of Jammertal Wine Estate that people without specific knowledge would know instinctively what is good for them. If you place two wines of different qualities ( not different styles ! ) in identical glasses at the same temperature in front of amateur wine lovers nine out of ten would tell the difference and  pick accordingly.

Of course, preferences of style and palate would play a great role in choosing a wine but that is another story.

We encourage everyone to try as many different wines as possible ( but don’t forget to drink with moderation ) because tasting experience cannot be learned from books or YouTube.

Start your lifelong adventures of wine tasting with the "First Tasting Package" of the Jammertal Wine Estate.


Price: 7 900 HUF 

The package contains:
  • Pink Panther, 2019
  • 400 Arpensis Cabernet Franc, 2013
  • 400 Arpensis Cabernet Sauvignon, 2015
  • Wunderlich Merlot, 2013

Years: 2013, 2015, 2019

Róbert Szűcs M.D., co-owner of Jammertal Wine Estate


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