A Closer Look at Organic Wines
The terms of eco- or organic wines have become very popular of late. Some wine merchants and sommeliers play it as a trump card or a conclusive argument when something is clearly not quite right about a wine’s price /enjoyment ratio. Regrettably, this is just another hype which has become trendy because it sounds good and spreads without criticism. Most of those who use it would never think through what it actually means. Winegrowers and -makers are not fools, not even those who do not advertise themselves as being eco-friendly or organic producers. No one wants to burden their vineyards with additional active substances unless they have to. If for no other reason because every intervention – such as chemicals and labour – costs a lot. Eco-friendly or organic growing is an exceptionally appealing idea. In theory, it combines the best environmental approaches: a high level of biodiversity and the conservation of natural resources. Let’s look at this in practice. The fundamenta...